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The first issue of the enterprises Internal Journal on Tao and Yuan Dynasty was issued

Release date:2021.06.30

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快盈500On June 24, 2021, the first issue of Taowine industry's Internal Journal on Taowine  was issued to all Taowine  people. The publication of the internal journal marks a new stage in the construction and dissemination of Taowine 's corporate culture. In the future, it will serve as an important carrier to enhance the corporate image and shoulder the important mission of building an enterprise internally and establishing a corporate image externally.

The Taowine  Internal Journal adopts the contribution system as an open platform for discussion and accepts the brainstorming and enthusiastic voice of all Taowine  people. "On Tao and Yuan Dynasty" records every bit in the process of enterprise development. Whether it is work inspiration or life thinking, Taowine  people vividly display the enterprise spirit of seeking truth, pragmatism and tenacious struggle in the way of writing. Its content covers many content sections such as leaders' messages, Department style, employees' voice and learning garden. Its goal is to form a bottom-up display platform from enterprise events to employees' "small happiness", build a bridge between employees and enterprises, build internal two-way communication channels, and enhance everyone's sense of belonging and responsibility to the company.

Adhering to the corporate culture of "team, hard work, tenacity, responsibility and learning", Taowine  industry pursues the common growth of customers, suppliers, employees and the company. We sincerely hope that "on daosuyuan" can become a "beacon" on the road of enterprise development, a "recorder" in the process of enterprise growth, and move towards the future together with the majority of Taowine  partners.

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